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Local community groups, clubs, and similar organizations which promote the interests of, or answer the needs of amateur radio, the local amateur radio community, and the local general community. These organizations usually represent individual members and very rarely host smaller affiliated groups; often these sections are affiliates of larger, regional organizations. Suggestions for sites to be listed are encouraged via the "add URL" label at page top.
Please suggest sites of local sections, clubs and other groups which represent individual amateur radio members, and which do not fit under the listed national/regional affiliates.


Amateur radio clubs based in countries within the bounds of Africa.
Clubs should be submitted to the sub-cat for their particular country if it exists. This includes those represented by @links.

Clubs which span more than one country may be submitted to the main Africa category.

Amateur radio clubs based in countries within the bounds of Asia.
Clubs should be submitted to the sub-cat for their particular country if it exists. This includes those represented by @links.

Clubs which span more than one country may be submitted to the main Asia category.

Amateur radio clubs based in countries within the bounds of Europe.
Clubs should be submitted to the sub-cat for their particular country if it exists. This includes those represented by @links such as Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Recreation_and_Sports/Hobbies/Amateur_Radio/Clubs.

Clubs which span more than one country and based primarily in Europe may be submitted to the main Europe category.

Clubs, local sections, and groups which are based in North America, and which promote the interests of, or answer the needs of, the amateur radio community and the local general community. Suggestions for sites to be listed are encouraged via the "add URL" label at page top - criticism and comments are very welcome at the "editor" active text at page bottom or at any higher category.
Please post your site in one of the state subcategories unless none exists or your club covers two or more states. If the club serves one primary state and a lesser secondary state but is not submitted to a state subcategory, it will be moved there. If a subcategory does not exist for the state your club is based in, it will be created if your site is accepted.
Amateur radio clubs based in countries within the bounds of Oceania.
Clubs should be submitted to the sub-cat for their particular country if it exists. This includes those represented by @links.

Clubs which span more than one country may be submitted to the main Oceania category.