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Scouting, including Boy Scouting, Girl Scouting and Girl Guides spread throughout Europe very soon after Sir Robert Baden-Powell's publication of Scouting for Boys.

Scouting in Eastern Europe has made significant progress and has been re-established and is growing everywhere. Scouting organization takes on many forms in Europe while subscribing to the basic principles including the Scout Motto, Law, Promise and Slogan.

The Europe category is for European scouting organizations.

If the site is mainly of topical interest or program interest it should be listed under the appropriate heading. Each European country is listed. A similar instruction is found under each country.

The sites must be in English or have English content, otherwise the sites should be listed under the appropriate language grouping of World. Suggestions may also be made and duplicated in the Regional/Europe/(Country) category.

Albanian Scouting, Scout and Guide groups.

Suggest sites from Albanian groups or about Albanian scouting in English. Sites in Albanian language are to be listed under the appropriate World category.

Scouting in Austria.

Please suggest sites from Austrian groups or about Austrian scouting that are in English or have significant English content.

Sites in the German language (Auf Deutsch) are listed under the World/Deutsch branch in Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Österreichs.

Belarusian Scouting. Includes Scout and Guide groups.

Suggest sites from Belarus groups or about Belarus scouting in English. Sites in Belarusian languages are to be listed under the appropriate World category.

Belgian Scouting. Includes Guide and Scout ressources.

Suggest sites about Belgian scouting in English.

Belgian sites in the Dutch language should be placed in the appropriate Nederlands Scouting category.

Belgian sites in the French language should be placed in the appropriate Scoutisme category.

Bosnian & Herzegovinian Scouting. Includes Guide and Scout groups.

Suggest sites from Bosnia and Herzegovinia groups or about Bosnian and Herzegovinian scouting in English. Sites in other languages are listed under the World category.

Sites about scouting in Bulgaria.

Suggest sites from Bulgarian groups or about Bulgarian scouting in English. Sites written in other languages, such as Bulgarian, are listed under the World category.

Sites about or related to scouting and guiding in Croatia.

Suggest sites from Croatian scout groups or about Croatian scouting in English. Sites in other languages are listed under the World/ category.

Sites about scouting in the Czech Republic.

Suggest sites of Czech scout and guide groups or about Czech scouting in English. Sites in Czech language are listed under the appropriate World/ category.

Sites about Danish Scouting and Guiding.

Suggest sites by Danish groups or about Danish scouting in English, with English pages or significant English content.

Scouting sites in the Danish language are listed under Spejderbevægelsen.

Sites about Scouting and Guiding in Estonia.

Suggest sites from Estonian groups or about Estonian scouting and guiding written in English. Sites in Estonian language are listed under the appropriate World category.

Scouting and Guiding in the Faroe Islands.

Suggest sites from Faroe Islands groups or about Faroe Islands scouting in English. Sites in Faroese language are listed under the World/Føroyskt category.

Finnish Scouting and Guiding sites.

Suggest sites from Finnish groups or about Finnish scouting/guiding in English. Sites in the Finnish language are listed under the World/Suomi category.

Scouting and Guiding in France.

Suggest sites from French groups or about French scouting/guiding. The site must be in English or have significant English content.

Sites en Français ici SVP.

Scouting and Guiding groups in Germany.

Suggest sites in English from German groups or about German scouting.

Auf Deutsch sites are listed under:Deutsch Pfadfinder.

Scouting and Guiding in Gibraltar.

Suggest sites about scouting and guiding in Gibraltar.

Sites about Scouting and Guiding in Greece.

Suggest sites of Greek Scouting and Guiding in English or with significant English content (sites in Greek language are listed under the World/ category.

Scouting in Hungary, including Guide and Scout groups.

Suggest sites from Hungarian groups or about Hungarian scouting and guiding in English. Sites in Magyar language are listed under the World/Magyar/ category.

Scouting in Iceland, including Guide and Scout groups.

Suggest sites from Icelandic groups or about Icelandic scouting with content in English. Sites in Icelandic language are listed under the appropriate World/Íslenska category.

Scouting and Guiding in Ireland.

Suggest sites about Irish scouting in English. Sites in Irish language are listed under the appropriate World/Gaeilge category.

Scout Council and Unit sites are listed under: /Scouting/Organizations/Ireland.

Scouting on the Isle of Man.

Italian Scouting and Guiding groups.

Suggest sites from Italian groups or about Italian scouting in English or with significant English content.

Sites in the Italian language are listed in Scautismo under the World category.

Sites of and about the Scouts and Guides of Liechtenstein (Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Liechtensteins).

Sites about Scouting and Guiding in Lithuania.

Scouting and Guiding in Luxembourg.

Scouting began in Malta almost immediately after the publication of Scouting for Boys in 1908. The Scout Association of Malta was the first to be recognized as an independent overseas scouting organization within the Scout Association that had been established by B.-P.
Lord Baden-Powell had spent a significant part of his military career in Malta and had a special affinity for the Maltese Scouts. Maltese scouting received special recognition from Baden-Powell for the courage and determination shown by the Scouts and Guides during he heavy bombardments during World War II.

Suggest sites relating to Scouting and Guiding in Malta.

Group sites for the Scouts Association of Malta are listed in:

Sites about scouting and guiding in Moldova.

Scouting and Guiding in Monaco.

Suggest sites in English, or with significant English content. Sites in the French language are listed under Scoutisme

General information concerning Scouting in the Netherlands.

Suggest sites in English, or with significant English content. For sites in the Dutch language submit to: Nederlands Scouting.

Sites about scouting in the Republic of North Macedonia.

Sites about Scouting and Guiding in Norway.

Suggest sites about Norwegian scouting and guiding in English, otherwise under the World category: World/Norsk/Ferie_og_fritid/Speiderbevegelsen.

General sites about scouting and guiding in Poland.

Sites must be in English or have significant English content or pages.

Sites in the Polish language are listed under Harcerstwo.

Polish scouting groups and organizations should be suggested to Organizations and events to Events.

Scouting and guiding in Portugal.

Suggest sites in English or with significant English content.

Scouting sites in the Portuguese language are listed under the Escotismo category.

Scout and guide groups in Romania.

Suggest sites in English or with significant English content.

Sites in the Romanian language are listed under the Cercetaşi category.

Sites about scouting and guiding in Russia.

Suggest sites about Russian scouting and guiding in English or with English pages or content, otherwise submit to the World category: Russian.

Scouting and Guiding in Serbia.

Suggest sites from Serbian scout and guide groups or about Serbian scouting in English. Scouting sites in Serbian are listed under World.

Sites about scouting and guiding in Slovakia.

Suggest sites about Slovakian scouting and guiding in English or with significant English content, otherwise submit to the appropriate World category such as Skauting.

Sites about scouting and guiding in Slovenia.

Sites about Scouting and Guiding in Spain.

This category is for sites with English-language content.
Spanish language sites are to be suggested to Tiempo libre/Escultismo.

Sites about scouting and guiding in Sweden.

Suggest Swedish scouting and guiding sites that have English pages.

Scouting and Guiding in Switzerland.

Suggest sites about Swiss scouting and guiding.
Sites must either be in English or have significant English content.

For Swiss scouting and guiding sites in the German language submit to Schweiz Pfadfinder, general scouting sites in the German language should be placed in the appropriate Pfadfinder category.

For Swiss Scouting sites in the French language submit to Scoutisme Suisse and general scouting scouting sites in the French language should be submitted to Scoutisme

Sites in the Italian language should be submitted to Scautismo.

Scouting and guiding in the Ukraine and Ukrainian groups.

Suggest sites from Ukrainian scout groups or about Ukrainian scouting in English. Sites in Ukrainian language are listed under the closest World/Ukrainian category.

Scouting websites pertaining to the United Kingdom, the home the movement.

It began in August 1907 at a trial camp on Brownsea Island. Lord Robert Baden-Powell of Gilwell, now known the world over as B-P, conducted the camp.

With the publication of B-P's "Scouting for Boys" early in 1908, a youth movement spontaneously sprung up. Soon afterwards, the Scout Association was formed by B-P to give structure to the movement and to organize training, called Wood Badge, for adult leaders.

Guiding was also begun in the United Kingdom. B-P quickly realized that girls were also participating in the movement, so, with his sister Agnes and later his wife, Olave, the Girl Guides were founded and developed. Further, B-P, with the aid of his brother, Warrington, an avid sailor and aficionado of canoe sailing, also founded the Sea Scouts.

Scouting rapidly developed into a worldwide organization and is today the largest youth movement in the world. B-P is universally recognized as the founder of Scouting.

Group and Council Sites belonging to the United Kingdom Scout Association should be listed in:
Group and Council sites belonging to the United Kingdom Guide Association should be listed in:

Topical sites for Events, Campsites, History, etc. should be submitted to the topical categories and, if so sub-divided, to the United Kingdom sub-category of the appropriate topical category.

Only sites concerning national Scouting and Guiding organizations in the United Kingdom, dealing with UK Scouting and Guiding generally, including auxiliary organizations, or UK scouting web sites for which there is no other appropriate category within Recreation/Scouting should be submitted here.