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If your site is about information regarding paranormal places, please submit it to, Society/Paranormal/Ghosts/Places_and_Hauntings.
Type of Sites That Should be Suggested
- Suggest sites that focus on Supernatural/Paranormal travel tours and packages including,
- Haunted location tours
- Ghost hunting
- Paranormal Investigations
The users browsing through this category are likely to look for sites which offer such packages or tours.
Please review a few of the sites in the directory as examples before deciding whether your submission would be an appropriate addition.
Submission Tips:
- When writing the site's URL, please use the shortest version that opens the main page.
- When writing the site's title, please ensure it is the same as the organization or vessel.
- When writing the site's description, please say what it offers in a clear and concise statement without hype or promotional language.
- We suggest you add the geographic location at the end of the description.