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This category is for online German dictionaries. All submitted sites must be in English. Please avoid submitting the following types of sites to this category:
  • General sites (not dictionaries) about the German language should be submitted to the linguistics category for German.
  • Sites in any language other than English should go under the appropriate subcategory of World.
  • Dictionaries that include multiple non-English languages should be submitted to the category for multilingual dictionaries.
If you submit any of these types of sites to this category, they will be moved to a more appropriate category by the editor. If you are not sure which category your site belongs in, you may submit it here and the editor will move it to the appropriate category.
This category is for online dictionaries and useful vocabulary lists between Georgian and other languages.
This category is only for online dictionaries and vocabulary lists for Georgian.

Sites about the Georgian language in general go in the Georgian language category.

Translation software and Translation Engines have their own categories.

This category is for free, online dictionaries that translate between German and English.
This category is for online German dictionaries. All submitted sites must be in English. Please avoid submitting the following types of sites to this category:
  • General sites (not dictionaries) about the German language should be submitted to the linguistics category for German.
  • Sites in any language other than English should go under the appropriate subcategory of World.
  • Dictionaries that include multiple non-English languages should be submitted to the category for multilingual dictionaries.
This category is for online Greek-English dictionaries and Greek dictionaries with an English interface.
Please submit dictionaries in three or more languages to Multilingual.

This category is only for lexicographic works (i.e. dictionaries, glossaries, term banks, etc.).

Sites written in a language other than English should be submitted to World categories, e.g. World/Greek.

Commercial sites will not be listed here.

Dictionaries with useful content for English - Gujarati translation.