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This category is for English sites on universities and colleges (i.e. post-secondary educational institutions awarding technical, Associate, Bachelor's, Masters, and Doctorate degrees) in Gujarat.

Schools for children and teenagers are listed in Gujarat/Education.

Submit sites and topic specific pages for colleges and educational institutes in Gujarat here.

Initially, for unlisted colleges, please submit the main site of the college at the Gujarat state level. Sub-categories for the college can then be made as appropriate and submissions accepted subsequently.

Institutes and colleges affiliated to Ahmedabad University.
Category for Bhavnagar University
Information on university, colleges and events.
Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology is a university under state act established by Reliance group for information and communication technology, located at Gandhinagar, India. It offer courses like B.Tech(ICT), M.Tech(ICT), PhD, MS(IT) and MS(IT-Agriculture).
This category should include only those site which are related to DA-IICT. It can also include DA-IICT specific student homepages, faculty webpages and other websites featuring DA-IICT and its curriculum.
Information about Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University and associated events.
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India
Ganpat University and associated colleges and events.
New University established in the State.
Information about the university.
Information about Gujarat Technological University, its events and colleges.
Gujarat University located at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Information about the university, its colleges and events.
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
Different ITIs across Gujarat.
Maharaja Sayajirao University
Information about MICA, its events and other details.
Information about Nirma University, its associated events and colleges.
Information, colleges of Sardar Patel University.
Saurashtra University
Information about the university, its colleges and related events.