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The name of the topic "Learning Theories" does a good job of explaining the content. Learning is the absorption, transfer or acquisition of data, information or knowledge. A Theory is like a clump of interelated ideas. Theories are somewhat different than philosophy (more pragmatic and testable). Learning theories are about how people learn. They are not philosophies of education which are more about what should be taught or how the education system should work. Sites in this category describe or explain or seek to promote certain learning theories. Products or businesses should be placed elsewhere.
The name of the topic "Learning Theories" does a good job of explaining the content. Learning is the absorption, transfer or acquisition of data, information or knowledge. A Theory is like a clump of interelated ideas. Theories are somewhat different than philosophy (more pragmatic and testable).

Learning theories are about how people learn. They are not philosophies of education which are more about what should be taught or how the education system should work.

Sites in this category describe or explain or seek to promote certain learning theories. Products or businesses should be placed elsewhere.

Category for sites relating to active learning.
Submit sites relating to active learning.
Category for sites relating to the method and theory of Aesthetic Realism.
Submit sites relating to the method and theory of Aesthetic Realism.
Category for sites relating to learning theories relating to behaviorism in education.
Submit sites relating to learning theories relating to behaviorism in education.
Category for sites relating to learning theories relating to brain-based learning in education.
Submit sites relating to learning theories relating to brain-based learning in education.
Category for sites relating to learning theories or issues relating to charter schools.
Submit sites relating to learning theories or issues relating to charter schools.
Category for sites relating to learning theories in constructivism.
Category for sites relating to cooperative education.
Submit sites relating to cooperative education.
Category for sites relating to theories, philosophies and methods of experiential education and learning.
Submit sites relating to theories, philosophies and methods of experiential education and learning. Do not submit organizations, companies or individuals offering or providing experiential education trainings or expertise - these should be listed in their respective regional category.
Links for researchers, administrators, teachers, and students interested in open-ended forms of learning. It includes examples from classrooms, curriculum units, and theory across age levels and curriculum topics. Although a wide variety of instructional approaches and theories are represented, a central theme is that learning is the process of constructing meaning. This implies the need for active learning, which engages all the senses. Inquiry-based instruction is typically conceived as fostering the abilities to communicate with those from different perspectives, to articulate problems out of complex and messy situations, and to collaborate with others. In an inquiry classroom, the teacher becomes a partner in inquiry, not merely a disseminator of information. The teacher also takes an active role in inquiring about the processes of teaching and learning.
Submit sites relating to learning theories in inquiry based education.
Category for sites relating to learning styles in inquiry based learning.
Submit sites relating to learning styles in inquiry based learning.
This category houses sites which explain the educational philosophy of Maria Montessori, as well as the sites of professional organizations and sites which provide educators and parents with educational resources and practical suggestions for applying Montessori's educational philosophy in the classroom and home.
Products should NOT be listed in this category. They should be listed under an appropriate subcategory of Reference/Education/Products.

Montessori schools should NOT be listed in this category. They each should be listed under Regional/[continent]/[country]/[state]/[city]/Education and under Reference/Education/K_through_12/Private Schools/Montessori.

Category for sites relating to multiple intelligences.
Submit sites relating to multiple intelligences.
Category for sites relating to outcome-based education.
Submit sites relating to outcome-based education.
Category for sites relating to problem-based learning.
Submit sites relating to problem-based learning.
Category for sites relating to the approach to early childhood education originated in Reggio Emilia, Italy.
Submit sites relating to the approach to early childhood education originated in Reggio Emilia, Italy.
Category for sites relating to Right Brain - Left Brain Thinking.
Submit sites relating to Right Brain - Left Brain Thinking.
Category for sites relating to situated learning.
Submit sites relating to situated learning.
Category for sites relating to transformative learning.
Submit sites relating to transformative learning.
This category houses sites which explain the educational philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, as well as the sites of professional organizations and sites which provide educators and parents with educational resources and practical suggestions for applying Steiner's educational philosophy in the classroom and home.
Products should not be listed in this category. They should be listed under an appropriate subcategory of Reference: Education: Products and Services.

Waldorf schools should not be listed in this category. They each should be listed under Reference: Education: K through 12: Private Schools: Waldorf Schools: [Country].