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Information about flags from around the world. Includes flag collecting and protocol.
Flag etiquette (usually known as protocol) are rules for the proper placement, handling, use, and disposal of flags. It is often most important in military and political situations, however, some countries have rules or suggestions specifically regarding any use of their national flag.
Please suggest websites that are about the proper handling of flags, whether for one or many countries. If the site is about one country, please indicate which country.
Flags, past or present,
relating to countries, dependencies, territories, islands, and jurisdictions or states within these countries. Sites included describe or illustrate these flags.
Select below the region/country/territory/nation the flags on your site refer to, and submit your site there.

Submit here: Sites describing or illustrating flags.

For manufacturers of flags, sellers of related advertising items, shopping sites, please follow the @-links in Reference : Flags.

Signal flags (signalling) used for ships and planes to communicate at distances.
(vex-il-lol-o-gy) : The study of the history, symbolism, and usage of flags or, by extension, any interest in flags in general. Thus, vexillological.