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Science Libraries are libraries which specialize in one or more branches of the sciences, including but not limited to chemistry, biology, mathematics, physics, and engineering. These libraries may be run by the government, a university or school, or a private corporation.
Please submit the homepages for libraries which concentrate on one or more branches of sciences, both pure and applied. Accepted libraries will be run by academic, corporate, government, and public institutions. They must have information on the homepage which is useful for a wide range of people, many of whom will not be on-site. Thus, library homepages which only contain proprietary information will not be included in this category.
The biological and environmental sciences include biology, botany, zoology, anthropology, forestry, agricultural and veterinary sciences, earth sciences, geology, and environmental sciences.
Only English language sites will be accepted in this category. Please submit non-English sites to the appropriate language in the World/ hierarchy.

In addition, this category is for libraries specializing in the biological and/or environmental sciences. General science libraries belong in Reference/Libraries/Science_Libraries.

Engineering covers biomedical chemical, civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering topics (as well as others not here mentioned).
Libraries accepted to this category will specialize in engineering subjects only; more general libraries or libraries including other subjects belong in the main Reference/Libraries/Science_Libraries category.
The physical and chemical sciences include physics, biophysics, chemical physics, chemistry, biochemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, and so on. Applied physics and chemistry may fall in both this category and engineering.
English language sites only, please! Non-English sites should be submitted to the proper category within the World/ hierarchy.