This category is for listing sites with a presence in multiple locations in the region. If your site does not have locations or offer information spanning multiple locations please submit to your locality instead.
Submitting your site to the wrong category may significantly delay your site''s addition to the directory.
For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:
Thank you for your cooperation.
This category is for listing sites with a presence in multiple locations in the region. If the site does not have locations or offer information spanning multiple locations please submit to the locality instead.
Nationally or internationally known Kenyan bands may be submitted here as well as to the appropriate category of Arts/Music.
Bands for hire in multiple localities in Kenya may be submitted here as well. Bands for hire that only perform in a specific locality should be submitted to that locality instead.
Musical venues and other music-related businesses with multiple locations in Kenya may also be submitted here. Those in only one locality should be submitted to that locality instead.