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If your business is not located in this town, please submit it to that community''s category.

Submitting to the wrong locality will hinder your sites addition to the directory.
Please review all sub categories before placing your site and determine which category best describes your site. For example, business and industry sites belong in Business and Economy, churches and organizations in Society and Culture, and so forth.

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Business or Organization

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site.

Includes sites covering the business and economic activities of the region; including listings of companies and industries.
Find sites in or pertaining to Franschhoek, South Africa.

If your business is not located in this town, please submit it to that community''s category.

Submitting to the wrong locality will hinder your sites addition to the directory.
Please review all sub categories before placing your site and determine which category best describes your site. For example, business and industry sites belong in Business and Economy, churches and organizations in Society and Culture, and so forth.

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Business or Organization

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site.

Kalk Bay, a picturesque village south of Cape Town wedged between the Silvermine Mountains and False Bay; it offers an eclectic mix of bohemian shopping, art galleries, designer boutiques, theatres, cafes, a wide selection of restaurants and a working fishing harbour.
Sites must be related to the village of Kalk Bay in South Africa. Do not submit sites here for nearby places. Submitting inappropriate sites here will only delay their review and potential listing by the editors.
Knysna is situated in the Western Cape, on South Africa's Garden Route, geographic location 34° South and stretches from Sedgefield in the west to Knoetzie in the east. Its easily reached on the N2 between Cape Town (500km) and Port Elizabeth (260km). It is a small town with a Mediterranean Maritime climate. Summers are hot with mild to chilly winters. It is one of the richest rainfall areas, most of which occurs in the winter months, brought by the humid sea-winds from the Indian ocean. The town has grown up around the Knysna Lagoon covering some 17 square kilometres. It is one of the country's largest estuaries which is guarded by The Heads, imposing sandstone cliffs, giving protection against the Indian Ocean. Beaches, lakes, mountains, forests and rivers provide opportunities for leisure and outdoor adventure. Within the town, craft shops, flea-markets and restaurants offer holiday makers the small-town charm and hospitality which has made tourism its primary industry. The indigenous forests constitute the largest complex of closed-canopy forest in southern Africa, whilst the remarkable richness of the Fynbos vegetation contributes over 8000 plant species to the Cape floral kingdom. Knysna is home to the Knysna Elephants, the unique seahorse and the Knysna Loerie.
This category includes sites featuring content pertinent to the areas within the Knysna municipal boundaries.

Sites with information specific to the areas within the Knysna municipal boundaries may be listed here. Please determine which subcategory is most appropriate for your site. Keep in mind that only information which covers Knysna may be listed at Locality level.

Information covering more than one town should be submitted to the Garden Route.

No adult content, affiliate programmes or sites where the core content duplicates another site IS

Please check for a more specific sub-category before submitting your site.

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Business or Organization

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.