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Sites that reflect the make up of Zimbabwe's people, history, resources and institutions that serve its people.
Category Rhodesiana@ (resources about people who identify with a country that no longer exists) is not in the Regional: Africa: Zimbabwe hierarchy.

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How to submit to category Zimbabwe
Links to resources about Zimbabwean history: precolonial, colonial, liberation war, post-independence.
Politics links are in Politics.
Links about Rhodesians are in Society: Ethnicity: Rhodesian.

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How to submit in category Zimbabwe
Organizations are groups of people working together towards a common goal.
This category is for web sites about prominent people in contemporary or historical Zimbabwe. People in the upper group are dead. People in the lower group are still with us.
Personal home pages of Zimbabwean citizens and residents.
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How to submit in category Zimbabwe

Zimbabwean politics links -- reports, opinions, parties, pressure groups, profiles, etc.
History links are in History. News and Media links are in News and Media.
Individual news stories and reports are in Reports@.
Links to government and government departments are in category Government.

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How to submit in category Zimbabwe