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Find links to local businesses and organizations related to computers and the Internet. This includes sites for and about businesses that sell/rent computer hardware and software, computer training, web design, Internet access, and support services.
This category holds listings for Computer, Internet, and other IT businesses with a nationwide presence in India, ie locations in multiple states. If the business has a single physical location it should be suggested to that location instead. In general sites are listed in the Regional branch by physical location, not service area.

Find sites for Internet Service Providers that provide coverage with their service for two or more Administrative Divisions of India.

Please suggest sites for Internet Service Providers only. If the company provides more services, please suggest it to the appropriate category.

Please only suggest sites for companies that have reach to two or more Administrative Divisions of the country. If the coverage of the company is less, please suggest the site to a more appropriate category.


Company coverage: Areas in Andhra Pradesh and Kerala - Suggest here
Company coverage: Multiple areas within Western India (Region) - Suggest to appropriate Region category.
Company coverage: Two or more localities in Andhra Pradesh - Suggest to appropriate Andhra Pradesh state category.
Company coverage: Single locality within Andhra Pradesh - Suggest to appropriate locality category.


Add the company name or the brand name of the service as the title.

Do not put tariff or promotional information in the description. Briefly describe what the site offers.

Do not rate or compare ISPs in the descriptions.

Do not include cybercafes or internet access centers.

Lists companies offering Banner Exchange programmes.
Please submit only sites relating to companies offering Banner Exchange programmes.
Lists companies offering Internet consultancy services.
Please submit only sites relating to companies offering Internet consultancy services.
Free e-mail sites and ASPs providing free / co-branded india specific e-mail.
This category is for companies that provide software sales or that write custom or commercial software applications and that have physical locations in more than 1 state of India will be listed here. Those companies that have a single location should suggest the site to the appropriate Locality category. Companies that offer distance ordering of software focussed on delivery to India, and with pricing in Rupees may also be listed here
Lists companies offering training programmes in Computers.
Please submit only sites relating to companies offering training programmes in Computers.
This category is for businesses that provide web design, hosting, promotion, maintenance, or e-commerce development services, with physical locations in multiple states, but offer services that are primarily limited to India.
Web sites of businesses with a single physical locationb should be suggested to that location only. Web sites with physical locations in more than locality, but within one state should be suggested to the appropraite state level category. Sites that have physical presences in multiple states should be suggested here.