My Account
A directory of websites relating to industrial companies, categorized by the industry type and product type.
Please do not submit your site here if your business is not general foreign trade. Find the specific category for your product or service and submit it there instead. Otherwise there may be delays in listing your site. Manufacturing businesses who produce goods for the export market will be listed under manufacturing.
Information on companies/firms engaged in the manufacture of electrical equipment having multiple locations in India.
Submit only sites relating to companies/firms manufacturing electrical equipment having multiple locations in India.
Websites for businesses engaged in the manufacture of health goods and products, pharmaceuticals, and also businesses engaged in other commercial health-related services.
This category is for businesses whose main purpose is foreign trade. Manufacturing companies, and those who provide services within India will be listed under other relevant categories.
Please do not submit your site here if your business is not general foreign trade. Find the specific category for your product or service and submit it there instead. Otherwise there may be delays in listing your site. Manufacturing businesses who produce goods for the export market will be listed under manufacturing.
Listings for industrial supply companies. Most manufacturers belong in Business/Industries/Manufacturing.
Please submit only sites relating to industrial supply companies.
This category contains information about manufacturing units having multiple locations in India.
Please submit only sites relating to manufacturing units having multiple locations in India.
Information on companies/firms in the Mining industry having multiple locations in India.
Please submit only sites relating to companies/firms in the Mining industry having multiple locations in India.