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This category covers radio, television, newspapers, magazines, news services, movies and online versions of these media by Indian sources.
News Aggregators.
News and Media specifically aimed at, by or for the Indian business community. News and media in this context includes printed newspapers, journals and magazines, as well as ezines.
General interest business news and media should be submitted here. If your site is focused on a particular industry or profession, please submit it to that category instead.
This category only lists websites of magazines published in India.
Please submit only sites relating to Magazines. Submissions not meeting this criteria may be rejected.
This category is meant for "News Services". News services are taken to mean sources from whom you can syndicate news. Agencies like Reuters or Associated Press except that this category is for sources in India. Please do not submit web portals that e-mail news or news based web portals here. Online News is the category for such submissions.
Web-sites of radio stations in India and abroad broadcasting Indian programming and web-sites providing Internet based Indian radio programming via audio streamers are featured here.
This category lists web sites of Television channels and networks .
Please submit only sites relating to Television channels. Websites relating to television programs, characters, forums or articles should go to its relevant sub category.