The Business and Economy category includes sites covering the business and economic activities of the state, including listings of companies and industries.
This category is for state-wide businesses. Websites relevant to a particular district or city within the state should be submitted to its specific category.
Retail shops selling goods to walk-in customers, and retailers who may take orders by phone or online but deliver goods only to the local area. This category can include malls, convenience stores, clothing, food, flowers and gifts, sporting goods, books and music.
The following retailers should submit to the indicated categories for this location. If the categories do not exist, submit to the parent category.
Artists and Galleries - Arts_and_Entertainment/Artists_and_Galleries/
Auto dealers - Business and Economy/Automotive.
Garden centers and nurseries - Business_and_Economy/Home_and_Garden/Nurseries/
Drug stores, pharmacies, opticians, eyewear retailers, and equipment for assisted living are listed in the Health categories for this location.
Businesses that offer only online, phone, or mail order sales will not be listed in Regional Shopping categories, with three exceptions:
In countries other than the US, the B&E/Shopping category at the national level may contain online shopping sites if the prices are quoted in the local currency and the products are shipped from that country.
Businesses that offer sales online or by phone/mail only to customers in a limited geographic area (example: online grocery delivery services) may be listed in a category corresponding to their sales area.
Online shopping companies that have a substantial local presence (for example, as an employer) in the city where they base their operations may be considered for listing in that city. For example, may be listed in Seattle, Washington, USA. (Note that many online retailers also maintain a bricks-and-mortar retail outlet as part of their operations base.)
The following retailers should submit to the indicated categories for this location. If the categories do not exist, submit to the parent category. Artists and Galleries - Arts_and_Entertainment/Artists_and_Galleries/ Auto dealers - Business and Economy/Automotive. Garden centers and nurseries - Business_and_Economy/Home_and_Garden/Nurseries/ Drug stores, pharmacies, opticians, eyewear retailers, and equipment for assisted living are listed in the Health categories for this location.