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Links on this directory are about Indonesia's easternmost province, now known as Papua.
Website submissions should either be physically located in Papua (Irian Jaya) or be entirely about Papua.
Educational institutions and facilities located in Papua, Indonesia.
Submissions should be for educational institutions or facilities located in Papua, Indonesia.
This category contains sites pertaining to the government of Irian Jaya (Papua) Province of Indonesia.
Please only submit sites pertaining to the government of Irian Jaya (Papua).
Guides and directories of Papua (Irian Jaya) are located here.
Please submit only guides and directories that are either located in Papua or are specific to Papua.
Health related Web sites specific to Irian Jaya.
Please submit only sites focused on health in Irian Jaya.
Please only submit sites pertaining to the history of Dutch New Guinea, Irian Jaya, and Papua Province.
Weather is the state of the atmosphere at a given time and place, with respect to variables such as temperature, moisture, wind velocity, and barometric pressure.