Sites submitted to this category must be in English.
Sites in Korean should be submitted to World/Korean.
Sites submitted to this category must be in English.
Sites in Korean should be submitted to World/Korean.
Please do not write in all caps or capitalize all words in descriptions.
Please refrain from writing hype, superlatives, or a sales pitch. Any such content will be removed.
No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site unrelated to Jeollabuk-do, or still under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or consisting primarily of affiliate links will be deleted or permanently banned.
The editors may reject, delete, or edit submissions at our sole editorial discretion, before or after inclusion.
Sites submitted to this category must be in English.
Sites in Korean should be submitted to World/Korean.
Sites submitted to this category must be in English.
Sites in Korean should be submitted to World/Korean.
Please do not write in all caps or capitalize all words in descriptions.
Please refrain from writing hype, superlatives, or a sales pitch. Any such content will be removed.
No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site unrelated to Jeonju, or still under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or consisting primarily of affiliate links will be deleted or permanently banned.
The editors may reject, delete, or edit submissions at our sole editorial discretion, before or after inclusion.