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The Republic of Korea recognizes seven "metropolitan cities" (annotated with the suffix -si) and nine provinces (-do) at the top of its administrative hierarchy.

Below the province level, there are several different schemes for the division and naming of cities (-si), counties (-gun), city boroughs (-gu), towns and villages (-eup or -myeon), districts and neighborhoods (-dong and -ri).

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한글 홈페이지는 이곳으로.

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한글 홈페이지는 이곳으로.

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This region encompasses the provinces of Chungnam and Chungbuk, as well as Daejeon metropolitan city.
Also known as Yeongnam, this region encompasses the provinces of Gyeongbuk and Gyeongnam, as well as the cities of Daegu, Ulsan and Busan.
Also known as Honam, this region encompasses Jeonnam and Jeonbuk provinces and the city of Gwangju.