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Sites in English that are mainly related to the national government of the Republic of Estonia. This includes branches of government, law enforcement, judiciary and military sites. Organizations whose goal is to influence government policy such as political parties can be found in Regional/Europe/Estonia/Society_and_Culture/Politics, while local government institutions (on county or locality level) can be found in their respective counties or localities.
This category is only for sites in English that are mainly related to the national government of the Republic of Estonia. This includes branches of government, law enforcement, judiciary and military sites. Organizations whose goal is to influence government policy such as political parties should go in the category for politics while local government institutions (for counties and municipalities) should go in their respective counties or localities.

We highly recommend that you browse through the categories and look for the most specific location in which to place your site. Submitting to the wrong category will delay your site''s placement in the directory.

Please only submit sites which have an English section, submit sites which are entirely in Estonian to World/Eesti. If you are submitting a multilingual site, submit the entry page URL and provide a language choice on that page.

Please take a moment to read the Estonia category FAQ.

Representations of foreign countries in Estonia and of Estonia abroad.
Listed in Embassies and Consulates categories are entities such as embassies, consulates, high commissions, permanent representatives and de facto equivalents. Please suggest sites to their proper subcategory.

Please also take a moment to read the Estonia category FAQ.


Includes resources relating to the laws of the Republic of Estonia, which may include the constitution, case law, and statutory law.
This category is only for sites in English that are mainly related to the laws of the Republic of Estonia.

Providers of legal services should be submitted to the Legal Services category. Police sites should be in the Law Enforcement subcategory of Government when available or else directly in the Government category if no Law Enforcement subcategory exists.

Please only submit sites which have an English section, submit sites which are entirely in Estonian to World/Eesti. If you are submitting a multilingual site, submit the entry page URL and provide a language choice on that page.

Please also take a moment to read the Estonia category FAQ.

Sites in English that are mainly related to, or about, current and past Estonian statesmen.
Sites in English that are mainly related to, or about, current and past Estonian statesmen.

Please only submit sites which have an English section, submit sites which are entirely in Estonian to World/Eesti. If you are submitting a multilingual site, submit the entry page URL and provide a language choice on that page.

The editor of this category may not be using the same operating system and or browser as you are, in fact it is very likely that he is not, so please ensure that your site works for other browsers and operating systems than your own before submitting here. If your site cannot be reviewed by the editor it cannot be added to the directory.

Notice: Multiple submissions, repeat submissions, submission of mirror sites and similar techniques, with the intention of ''forcing'' a higher placement on the directory are most unwelcome and unnecessary. Such behavior will almost certainly delay, if not completely prevent, your submission being listed. (See the ODP terms of service)

The ODP is a directory edited by human volunteers, all submissions are reviewed and edited fairly, but this can take some time.