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Sites related to Finland, a republic situated in Northern Europe between Sweden and Russia.
Please note that all sites in this category and its subcategories should have an English version. Sites submitted or added that are in Finnish only will be moved to World: Suomi without further notice. Sites in other languages, please search through the World category for the proper language. Please submit your site ONCE to the proper category. Sites that are under construction or contain little or no information at all are not added.
Arts and culture by Finnish artists in English.
Sites in Finnish should be submitted to the World: Suomi: Kulttuuri ja viihde hierarchy.

Submit your URL here if there is no suitable subcategory (which is probable, because there are only few of them). More subcategories will be created when there is need for them.

Finnish companies and business sites. Note that web site must have English content in this category.
This category is for Finnish companies and business sites with an English version of their site. Please submit sites in Finnish to the proper category within the World: Suomi: Elinkeinoelämä area instead.
Sites related to the region of Central Finland in Finland.
Please only suggest sites to this category that are in English.
Sites related to the region of Central Ostrobothnia.
Please only suggest sites here that are in English.
These sites are in English, describing various educational facilities in Finland, as well as general information about studying there. The educational system consists of 9 years of compulsory "comprehensive school", followed by optional paths of study. Most education, including all Universities, is free of charge.
If your site is in Finnish, please submit it in an appropriate subcategory of World: Suomi: Tiedonlähteet: Koulutus.
Sites related to the region of Etelä-Savo.
Please only suggest sites to this category that are in English.
Sites related to the Finnish government.
Sites submitted here should have an English version. Sites in Finnish only belong to World: Suomi: Yhteiskunta: Hallinto.
Covering all aspects of health related to Finland.
If your site is in Finnish, please submit it in World: Suomi: Terveys.
Sites related to the Kainuu region.
Please only suggest sites to this category that are in English.
Sites related to the Kanta-Häme region.
Please only suggest sites to this category that are in English.
Sites related to the Kymenlaakso region.
Please only suggest sites to this category that are in English.
Sites related to the Region of Lapland in Finland.
Links to sites about Finnish cities, towns or municipalities in English.
If your site is related to a municipality which is not yet included in the directory, please submit it in the appropriate provincial category under Regional: Europe: Finland.
Maps and photos of Finland.
Maps and views of individual municipalities or regions should be submitted to an appropriate category in Regional: Europe: Finland: Localities or Regional: Europe: Finland: Regions.

Map sites in Finnish belong to World: Suomi: Tiedonlähteet.

On-line magazines, newspapers, radio and TV stations that are related to Finland.
Finnish versions of magazines and newspapers should be submitted to the category World: Suomi: Uutiset, radio stations to the category World: Suomi: Kulttuuri ja viihde: Radio and TV stations to the category World: Suomi: Kulttuuri ja viihde: Televisio instead.
Sites related to the region of North Karelia.
Please only suggest sites to this category that are in English.
Sites related to the region of North Ostrobothnia.
Please only suggest sites to this category that are in English.
Sites related to the region of Ostrobothnia.
Please only suggest sites to this category that are in English.
Sites related to the Päijät-Häme region.
Please only suggest sites to this category that are in English.
Sites related to the Pirkanmaa region.
Please only suggest sites to this category that are in English.
Sites related to the region of Pohjois-Savo.
Please only suggest sites to this category that are in English.
English versions of Finnish sport sites.
Sport sites in Finnish should be submitted to the category World: Suomi: Urheilu instead.
Sites related to the Satakunta region.
Includes sites that reflect the make up of Finland's community.
In this category you may submit sites about Finland''s history, its people, organizations, churches, and resources and institutions that serve people living in Finland.

If your site is related to Finns living outside Finland, please submit it in Society: Ethnicity: Finnish or Society: People: Expatriates instead.

Sites related to the region of South Karelia.
Please only suggest sites to this category that are in English.
Sites related to the region of South Ostrobothnia.
Please only suggest sites to this category that are in English.
Includes area transportation resources for those traveling to and from, and within Finland.
If your site is in Finnish, please submit it in an appropriate subcategory of World: Suomi: Elinkeinoelämä or World: Suomi: Vapaa-aika: Matkailu.
Finnish travel related sites with an English version. The Finnish version of such sites should be submitted to the category World/Suomi/Vapaa-aika/Matkailu instead.
Sites related to the Uusimaa region in Finland.
Please only suggest sites to this category that are in English.
Sites related to the Varsinais-Suomi region.
Please only suggest sites to this category that are in English.
Weather services and forecasts for Finland.