My Account
Includes sites that reflect the make up of Finland's community.
In this category you may submit sites about Finland''s history, its people, organizations, churches, and resources and institutions that serve people living in Finland.

If your site is related to Finns living outside Finland, please submit it in Society: Ethnicity: Finnish or Society: People: Expatriates instead.

This category lists expatriate organisations and the websites of expatriates living in Finland describing their experiences.
Resources, information, and issues relating to the gay, lesbian, and bisexual people of Finland.
Only submissions offering information on Finland will be considered for this category. This may include regional guides, organizations, some events and conferences, and online communities.
Societal issues in Finland or related to Finland.
Finnish organizations or organizations related to Finland with an English version of the site.
If your site is in Finnish, please submit it to World: Suomi: Yhteiskunta: Järjestöt.
English versions of personal homepages that are related to Finland.
The title should start with your complete name (Last, First) or nickname.

If your page is in Finnish, please submit it in a proper subcategory of World: Suomi: Yhteiskunta: Ihmiset: Henkilökohtaiset sivut.

If you are a Finn living outside Finland, please submit your page in Society: People: Personal Homepages, unless it has significant content about Finland.

Political parties, issues and interest groups in Finland.
If your site is in Finnish, please submit it in a proper subcategory of World: Suomi: Yhteiskunta: Politiikka.
Sites about religions in Finland.
If your site is in Finnish, please submit it in an appropriate subcategory in World: Suomi: Yhteiskunta: Uskonto instead.
Transgendered people and organizations in Finland.
Women in Finland.