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The capital and largest city of Finland. Founded in 1550.
If the operational area of your company is larger than the capital area, please submit your site in an appropriate subcategory in Regional: Europe: Finland: Business and Economy.
Includes sites for artistic, cultural, and entertainment activities, events, institutions and organizations in Helsinki.
Sites covering the business and economic activities of Helsinki, including listings of companies and industries operating only in Helsinki or the capital area.
If the operational area of your company is larger than the capital area, please submit your site in an appropriate subcategory in Regional: Europe: Finland: Business and Economy.
Educational institutions, programs, opportunities and resources in Helsinki.
Helsinki maps, photos and web cams.
Recreational and sports sites in Helsinki.
Sites that reflect the make up of Helsinki's community: its people, its history, and resources and institutions that serve the people of Helsinki.
If your site serves a larger area than Helsinki or is one of its kind in Finland, please consider submitting it in an appropriate subcategory of Regional: Europe: Finland: Society and Culture instead.
Transportation resources for those traveling to, from or within Helsinki.
If your site is in English, please submit it in an appropriate subcategory of World: Suomi: Alueellinen: Suomi: Etelä-Suomi: Uusimaa: Kunnat: Helsinki.
Travel and tourism in Helsinki.