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In some areas also referred to as Vacation Rentals, are lodging accommodations offered in the form of a home, studio, apartment or villa being made available for a short term rental. Self-Catering accommodations do not have a front desk or maid service. They are furnished and typically rent by the week but may be available for shorter periods. In fact, the services offered vary individually from weekly cleaning of the rooms to hotel-like full service.

If your facility is not a self catering unit in Rethymnon, please submit to the proper category.

Submitting to the wrong category will delay and/or prevent your site from being listed in the directory.

Submission Tips:

  1. When writing your site''s title please ensure it is the same as your organization.
  2. When writing your site''s description, please tell what your site offers in a clear and concise statement without hype or promotional language.

Thank-you for your cooperation.