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This category contains websites related to campsites, campings and Rvs and campgrounds in the whole territory of the Emilia-Romagna region.
This category accepts websites in the English language related to campsites, campings and Rvs and campgrounds and to the whole territory of the Emilia-Romagna region, such as for example directories of campsites, portals and vortals connected to the sector.
Notice: Please only submit sites which have an English section, submit sites which are entirely in Italian to the proper category in World: Italiano: Regionale: Europa: Italia: Emilia-Romagna: Turismo: Campeggi.

If you are submitting a multilingual site, please submit the entry page URL and provide a language choice on the entry page of your website.

Questa categoria è soltanto per siti in lingua inglese che riguardano il settore Campeggi nella regione, perciò non suggerite qui siti in lingua italiana, ma nell''adeguata categoria di World: Italiano: Regionale: Europa: Italia: Emilia-Romagna: Turismo: Campeggi.