My Account
Category includes webpages about companies that are in business to make a profit, such as manufacturers, retail stores, legal services, banks, insurance, real estate brokers and transportation of goods.
Submit sites here only, if all the locations of the business are within the city of Riga. Only sites in English will be listed here!
Animal-related businesses located in Riga.
Animal-related businesses located in Riga. Please list businesses in other cities in the correct locality, or at the national level.
Find links to local businesses and organisations related to computers and the Internet. This includes sites for and about businesses that sell/rent computer hardware and software, computer training, web design, Internet access, and support services.
For the listing of banks, mortgage companies, accounting firms, stock brokers, financial planners, and sites offering information on financial services for the city of Riga.
Submit financial service organizations, such as banks, lending institutions and accounting consultants.

The companies should have locations only with the city of Riga to be listed here.

Financial companies with multiple locations throughout Latvia should be listed at the country level.

This category contains sites having to do with buying, selling, leasing, renting, inspecting, developing, financing or studying real estate.
Before submitting your site, please review the Guidelines for Submitting a Real Estate Site.
This category includes dining and drinking establishments that have localities within the city of Riga.
Restaurant, cafes and bars that have locations in more than one city in Latvia should be listed in this country level category.
