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Mozzie Awards 2009 - Best New Category - Runner-up The North Sea is a marginal, epeiric sea on the European continental shelf. The Dover Strait and the English Channel in the south and the Norwegian Sea in the north connect it to the Atlantic Ocean. It is more than 970 kilometres (600 mi) long and 580 kilometres (360 mi) wide, with an area of around 750,000 square kilometres (290,000 sq mi). A large part of the European drainage basin empties into the North Sea including water from the Baltic Sea. [Wikipedia]
This category is only for sites about the North Sea region. Please submit only sites that are for the whole region or a large part involving more than two countries here. Sites that are specific to one country should be submitted to a category within that country. Please pick the most specific category possible. Please only submit sites which have an English section. Submit sites which are entirely in another language to the respective language category under World. If you are submitting a multilingual site, please submit the entry page URL and provide a language choice on the entry page. The editor of this category may not be using the same operating system and or browser as you do, in fact it is very likely that he is not, so please ensure that your site works for other browsers and operating systems than your own before submitting here. If your site cannot be reviewed by the editor it cannot be added to the directory. Notice: Multiple submissions, repeat submissions, submission of mirror sites and similar techniques, with the intention of ''forcing'' a higher placement on the directory are most unwelcome and unnecessary. Such behavior will almost certainly delay, if not completely prevent, your submission being listed. (See the ODP terms of service) The ODP is a directory edited by human volunteers, all submissions are reviewed and edited fairly, but this can take some time.
German Bight (German: Deutsche Bucht; Danish: Tyske Bugt; Dutch: Duitse Bocht; West Frisian: DĂștske bocht) is the south-eastern bight of the North Sea bounded by the Netherlands and Germany to the south, and Denmark and Germany to the east. [Wikipedia]
The Skagerrak is a strait running between Norway and the southwest coast of Sweden and the Jutland peninsula of Denmark, connecting the North Sea and the Kattegat sea area, which leads to the Baltic Sea.
The Thames Mouth is the estuary in which the River Thames meets the waters of the North Sea.