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Includes sites covering the business and economic activities of Bucharest; including listings of companies and industries.


Aceastã categorie este destinatã site-urilor în limba englezã referitoare la afacerile si economia Bucureşti.


If the site that you want to add is in the Romanian language, then add it in the category World: Română: Regional: Europa: România: Bucureşti: Afaceri şi economie.


Dacã site-ul ce se doreste adãugat este în limba românã, atunci adãugati-l în categoria World: Română: Regional: Europa: România: Bucureşti: Afaceri şi economie.

This category is for sites about businesses, economic conditions, and organizations related to advertising and located in located in Bucharest. This includes the sites of advertising agencies, consultants, and services.

Sites with more than one location in Romania should be submitted to Regional: Europe: Romania: Business and Economy

Links to local businesses and organizations related to computers and located in Bucharest. This includes sites for and about businesses that sell/rent computer hardware and software, computer training, and support services.
For sites pertaining to local employment conditions, including sites offering help in finding jobs in the local economy.
This category will list companies that produce products from raw materials and the companies that support them, such as distributors, wholesalers, industrial supply companies and manufacturing representatives. The general types of companies that will be listed here are food processing, aviation, conveyors, electronic, guns, instrumentation, mining, drilling, chemicals and textiles; however, the list is not limited to these industries.

Companies in industries that have a separate sub-category in Business and Economy will not be listed here. Examples of companies not listed here are agriculture, automotive, computers, home and garden, oil and gas, printing, publishing, and telecommunications.


Includes real estate sites specific to Bucharest.


Aceastã categorie este destinatã site-urilor în limba englezã referitoare tranzacţiilor imobiliare din Bucureşti.

Important Information

In this category only webpages written in the English language are approved for inclusion. If the site that you want to add is in the Romanian language, then add it in the category World: Română: Regional: Europa: România: Bucureşti: Afaceri şi economie: Tranzacţii imobiliare.

[Romanian] În această categorie sunt acceptate doar pagini scrise în limba engleză. Dacã site-ul ce se doreste adãugat este în limba românã, atunci adãugaţi-l în categoria World: Română: Regional: Europa: România: Bucureşti: Afaceri şi economie: Tranzacţii imobiliare.

This category is intended for resources concerning restaurants and bars in Bucharest, the capital of Romania.
Please only submit sites that are in English.
Retail businesses located in Bucharest and selling consumer items.