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The Business Services sector broadly covers establishments and industries that provide professional and administrative support services to a variety of businesses (e.g. B2B) and organizations (e.g. B2G). In some cases, these companies also provide services to consumers, but providing services to other enterprises is their main focus.
Corporate Relocation involves the transfer of a business's employees (not an entire business) to a new domestic or international assignment. Only companies that service HR professionals will be listed in this category and these subcategories: "Consultants," "Moving Companies" and "Third Party Companies." The subcategory "Localized Service Providers" is for companies that service the above Consultants and Third Party Companies. Please note that no companies that directly service the GENERAL PUBLIC will be listed in this category or its subcategories. For tips on where to add your site, please view the description of each subcategory or try these: Home: Moving and Relocating: Moving Business: Real Estate: By Region Business: Real Estate: International Companies Business: Management: Consulting: Business Relocation
The Security Industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in the protection of people, property, and information. Nearly every Legal or Law Enforcement entity is mirrored in the security industry, in many cases government agencies utilize civilian security professionals in a consulting or contract capacity. This category contains sites that offer security services, products, or other professional, scientific, or technical services to persons, government, and private industry.