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Basque Country is an Autonomous Community (region) in Spain. Each Autonomous Community is broken down into Provences (sub-regions) that contain localities. All sites are listed in their locality unless the site has addresses in more than one locality.
Please submit all sites to their correct locality unless the following applies.

Sites with multiple addresses within a provence should be submitted to that provence.

Sites with multiple addresses in more than one provence and within an autonomous community should be submitted to that community.

Alava or, more correctly Álava, is the Spanish name of thus Basque territory, called Araba in Basque. It is part of the Basque Autonomous Community.
Please submit all sites to their correct locality unless the following applies.

Sites with multiple addresses within a provence should be submitted to that provence.

Sites with multiple addresses in more than one provence and within an autonomous community should be submitted to that community.

Biscay is the traditional English name of this Basque territory (Bizkaia in Basque, Vizcaya in Spanish). Bilbao is its capital. It is part of the Basque Autonomous Community.
Please submit all sites to their correct locality unless the following applies.

Sites with multiple addresses within a provence should be submitted to that provence.

Sites with multiple addresses in more than one provence and within an autonomous community should be submitted to that community.

Gipuzkoa is a Provence (sub-region) that contain localities. All sites are listed in their locality unless the site has addresses in more than one locality.
Please submit all sites to their correct locality unless the following applies.

Sites with multiple addresses within a provence should be submitted to that provence.

Sites with multiple addresses in more than one provence and within an autonomous community should be submitted to that community.

The Basque Autonomous Community is formed by 3 Basque provinces in the Spanish side of the Basque territory: Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa and Araba. Sometimes the term Euskadi is used to refer to just this area, but it also can mean the whole of the Basque Country (the seven provinces). The Basque Government is the autonomous governance in this region. This category is for sites that are dependent of these autonomous institutions, or that are related to these 3 provinces, not just to one, or to more Basque territories than these.