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Contains English-language sites related to arts and entertainment in Sweden. Appropriate sites would be those for art galleries, movies, and musicians.
If your site is specifically about a location in Sweden and not the country in general, such as an individual art gallery, please submit it to that location.

If your site is in Swedish, please submit it to the relevant part of World/Svenska/Kultur, or World/Svenska/Regionalt/Europa/Sverige/Kultur_och_underhållning/.

Webbplatser på svenska skickas till World/Svenska/Kultur, eller World/Svenska/Regionalt/Europa/Sverige/Kultur_och_underhållning/!

Sites in English about the built heritage of Sweden, the art and science of planning and constructing buildings, and important Swedish architects and their work.
Please do not suggest commercial sites for architects or architect firms to this category. If the firm is local in scope, submit it to the appropriate locality. Architects with a country-wide presence can be suggested to Regional/Europe/Sweden/Business_and_Economy.

Sites in Swedish will not be listed here. Please submit them to World/Svenska/Kultur/Arkitektur. Bilingual sites in Swedish and English can be suggested to both categories.

Webbplatser på svenska kommer inte att listas här! Skicka dem till World/Svenska/Kultur/Arkitektur.
English-language sites about dancers and groups as well as informational sites about dancing in Sweden.
Webbplatser på svenska listas inte här, utan ska skickas till World/Svenska/Kultur/Scenkonst/Dans!

This site is only for English-language sites. Sites in Swedish should be submitted to the category linked above.
Category for sites about museums situated in Sweden.
English-language information about Swedish bands, events and festivals, and other music-related sites.
Webbplatser på svenska listas inte i denna kategori! Skicka dem till relevant underkategori under World/Svenska/Kultur/Musik.

Sites that are in Swedish only should be submitted to the appropriate sub category of World/Svenska/Kultur/Musik. Bilingual sites can be submitted to both categories.

Please take a moment to write a description that tells the visitor what the site contains, without any hype. This will make the review process much faster. Thank you!