Only websites with English content will be listed in this category. For sites in German, please submit to the appropriate sub category of World/Deutsch/Regional/Europa/Schweiz/Bern
This category is for sites about canton-wide business and economic activities. Businesses are placed by their physical location(s), not by their service area.
The businesses listed in this category have physical locations in at least one city of this canton, but not outside. For those with locations in multiple cantons, see the Switzerland/Business_and_Economy category.
This category is exclusively for sites with multiple physical location(s) in the canton of Berne. For websites related to a wider region, please see the Switzerland/Business_and_Economy category. Before submitting a site, be sure to read the category description. Please submit to an appropriate subcategory, if one is available. Otherwise, submit here. Failure to submit to the most specific appropriate category can delay the consideration of your submission. For more information, please refer to the DMOZ Regional FAQ and Category Guide.
This category contains Localities that are within the Canton of Berne. A locality is defined as a town, city, or community.
Websites should not be suggested here. Sites for existing Localities should be suggested to the appropriate Locality.
Sites for localities that do not yet exist should be suggested to the appropriate sub category of the Canton level with the location added to the Title, in the form Title - Locality and the Locality will be created when enough sites have been suggested.
Only websites with English content will be listed in this category. For sites in German, please submit to the appropriate sub category of World/Deutsch/Regional/Europa/Schweiz/Bern
Only websites with English content will be listed in this category. For sites in German, please submit to the appropriate sub category of World/Deutsch/Regional/Europa/Schweiz/Bern
A Transportation category is for information and organizations related to human transportation. Please note that this category does not include sites related to the transportation of cargo, which belong in the Business and Economy sub category.
Only websites with English content will be listed in this category. For sites in German, please submit to the appropriate sub category of World/Deutsch/Regional/Europa/Schweiz/Bern
Only websites with English content will be listed in this category. For sites in German, please submit to the appropriate sub category of World/Deutsch/Regional/Europa/Schweiz/Bern