We will not accept sites that call upon to opposite one religion to another or offend any religion in any ways.
This category is for the listing of religious groups with sites related to Ukraine. Here there can be any resources devoted to religion, faith, religious teachings, history etc
We will not accept sites that call upon to opposite one religion to another or offend any religion in any ways.
If your site is related to Christianity, please, go this way:
For Orthodox Church: Orthodox
For Catholic Church: Catholic
If your site refers to Judaism or Hasidism, please, go this way: Judaism
If your site does not refer to the religions stated above, but relates to Ukraine, please, submit it here.
When there are enough sites for the category, there will be created a new special category.
If your site does not fit to any requirements
written above, but its content is religious, does not relate to Ukraine or is
commercial, please, choose a category in: