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This category contains two types of website:

  1. Sites for retail chains who do not offer distance shopping but have bricks and mortar shops in more than one UK country, eg. England and Scotland.
  2. Stores offering a wide range of goods which do not fit into one sub-category within UK Shopping and allow shoppers to buy online, by mail, by phone, or by some other form of distance shopping.

Retail Chains with no distance shopping facilities:

Please suggest websites to this category if it is for a retail chain with branches in more than one UK country,
eg Scotland and England.
If a retail chain has multiple branches throughout only one UK country eg. England 
the website should be suggested to the correct Shopping category for that country.
If a retail chain of shops has branches in a more limited area of a country, eg South East England or London,
the website should be suggested to the Business and Economy of that at region or county.
If the bricks and mortar shop or shops are in one town or location, please suggest the website
to the Business and Economy category of the nearest UK: Locality <=Click!

Retail Chains with distance shopping facilities and other distance shopping sites:

Please only suggest websites to this category ONLY if the website offers
  • a wide range of goods that span more than one sub-category within UK Shopping AND
  • allows people to buy from a distance by online sales, mail order, telephone sales or similar.
Websites that do offer distance shopping facilities, but sell a more restricted range of goods
that will fit into one of the sub-categories should be suggested to that category.