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This category tree is for websites for or about education in the United Kingdom.
The UK Topical section of the directory lists websites by topic, and depending upon the category, these
will be of broad nationwide interest, such as educational resources relevant throughout the UK.
Websites may be listed again by geographic location, and by following the links to the four countries and then
the counties/localities, you will find resources relevant to specific locations within the United Kingdom.

Very few, if any, sites will be listed at the top of this category.

Please find the correct subcategory for the topic and suggest the website there.
Provided a physical address is included on the website, you may also wish to suggest the website to the category for the geographic location.
Not all websites will be suitable for listing once by topic and once by location.
For instance, primary school websites are only listed at their location, so should be suggested only to the appropriate  Locality
For more information on how UK sites are listed please consult the UK FAQ

This category is for UK academies and educational foundations only.
In recent years the name Academy has been applied to Secondary, Comprehensive or Grammar Schools which are listed collectively as  Schools: Secondary, though individual schools are only listed at their  Locality.

It is unlikely that this is the right category to which to your website should be suggested
as this category is only for national academies and educational foundations.
Please consider suggesting your website elsewhere, eg :-
Teaching and Administration: Organisations, UK: Science Institutions or UK: Arts: Organizations.
For official or semi-official government supported cultural centres in the UK.
Most support programmes of language teaching, and of cultural and artistic exchange.
Please consider suggesting the website, as well, to the most appropriate subcategory at its most appropriate  Locality

Distance learning can be defined as the acquisition of knowledge and skills through mediated information and instruction. Distance learning encompasses all technologies and supports the pursuit of life long learning for all. Providing courses and electronic field trips are among the principal applications for distance learning in Pre-K through grade 12 education. Distance learning is also used to support rural and inner city classes with student enrichment, student courses, staff development and in-service training for teachers and administrators. Further, distance learning is used to share classes among schools for those areas who may not be able to find good teachers to teach honours courses like maths and science. Distance learning provides a way to share those types of classes and employ one instructor. In higher education, distance learning is providing undergraduate and advanced degrees to students in offices, at community colleges and at various receive sites. Students for whom convenience may be a crucial factor in receiving college credit are earning degrees by interactive instructional television, ITFS and other means of delivery. These students may be place-bound or time-bound and this type of instruction provides access to all who wish to pursue a degree. In the corporate side of training, America is currently faced with upgrading the training of 50 million American workers. Each year corporations look to the use of technology and distance education to provide that training and continuing education for their workers. This saves them millions of dollars each year using distance learning to train employees more effectively and more efficiently than with conventional methods. Programming for distance learning provides the receiver many options both in technical configurations and content design. Educational materials are delivered primarily through live and interactive classes. Today's technology offers many options for delivering and receiving education over a distance. The ability of the teacher and students to see each other may not be a necessary condition for effective distance learning, but audio is a critical component for interactivity. Teaching strategies based on computer applications are emerging that are also effective. Distance learning provides equity of access to information and opportunities, and can dramatically decrease the costs and inconveniences associated with maintaining a well-trained work force. Telecommunications systems that serve education can also benefit the community at large. In rural areas, especially, telecommunications systems and services are tied increasingly to economic development and community survival. New uses for distance learning include the application of information and educational resources for Pre-K through grade 12 students, adults, senior citizens, local governments, organizations and businesses. (credit: ) It should be noted that quality of distance learning programs varies widely, and there are hucksters out there selling worthless, unaccredited degrees and programs, sometimes passing them off as legitimate to unwary learners; buyer beware!
Distance Learning features education opportunities and resources available from a distance, using correspondence, satellite relay, audio and video tapes, software, WWW white boards, study guides, online discussion groups, e-mail, etc.

This section contains useful links for those thinking on embarking on a year out between A-Levels (or similar qualifications) and University.
It contains links to projects, gap year organisations and useful travel sites.

All children in the UK between the ages of 5 and 16 must be educated according to
age, ability, aptitude,and any special needs they may have.
However, education does not have to take place within a school, and parents
may educate their child at home if they wish.
This category contains sites which describe ways of starting home education, and
also those which offer advice, resources and support.
This category is intended for sites which either describe the processes involved for British parents
wanting to educate their children at home, or which give advice, resources and support.
If you are suggesting a website which is primarily anecdotal, based on your family,
please use the Family Pages category.
If the website is for a business wanting to sell tuition, or books,
please use the relevant subject under the more general education or relevant age category.
Information, advice, directories, and contacts for international students from outside the UK wishing to study in the UK.
Please submit only sites with content specifically useful and informative to international students wishing to study in the UK. Please do not submit sites offering courses in English which should be listed under Language Schools.
This category is for Language Schools based in the UK which teach languages other than English as a Second Language.
This category is for Language Schools based in the UK which teach languages other than English.

PLEASE DO NOT submit schools here that teach English only. It will delay the review of your site.

English Language Schools should be submitted to the correct subcategory within English as a Second Language: Language Schools.

Sites relating to study abroad, including languages, should be submitted to the appropriate category in Study Abroad.

Sites about the topic of pre-school and nursery education in the United Kingdom.
Individual establishments will not be listed here.

Please find the correct geographic location and submit there.
Educational products and services for the UK Market.
Please do not submit UK educational publishers here. Such sites should be submitted to Publishing: NonFiction: Education.

Please do not submit UK producers of educational software here. Such sites should be submitted to Software: Educational.

This category contains reunion sites and alumni directories which have a national relevance. Sites which are specific to individual academic institutions may be found in their locality.
Please only submit sites here which have a national relevance. Sites which are specific to an individual academic institution should be listed in their locality.
In the United Kingdom schools are the establishments for education of children from the age of four years old.
The establishments for ages before this, such as nurseries for childcare are referred to as  Pre-School
"Infant schools" referred to the ages now grouped with  Schools: Primary
Educational establishment for 4 to 12 year olds
Schools: Secondary is the category for Educational establishment for 12 to 18 year olds

This category is for websites specifically related to the education of 4 to 18 year olds throughout the United Kingdom.  Please follow the appropriate link for the individual countries, and for individual schools, please suggest them the appropriate  Locality

For the listing of sites offering specialised education in the area outside of the traditional classroom.
Candidates for listing in this category may include driver's training, adult education courses and foreign language schools.

Important - Please Read

Please ensure that your submission is truly UK wide or a UK branded service.
If your product/business generally serves only a part of the UK, please suggest it to the relevant education category in town, city, county or constituent part of the UK
You may find this easier from the alphabetica list of  Localities
Ignoring these guidelines is likely to delay significantly (possibly infinitely), your website appearing in DMOZ.
For websites about services or programmes which offer/support specialist education services as a complement or alternative to mainstream education, for children, young people, or adults.

Examples include education services catering

  • for children with interrupted schooling (refugees, Romani and traveller families, children in care);
  • offenders;
  • provision for people excluded from mainstream schooling.

Websites about Special Education Needs, however, should only be submitted to their own category.

Websites about individual schools or colleges should be offered to the education category for the relevant locality - they will not be considered for inclusion here.

For websites about services or programmes which offer/support specialist education services for children, young people, or adults with special educational needs, mainly (but not exlusively) related to some form of disability.
For sites containing resources that aid teaching or learning.

Important - Please Read

Please ensure that your submission is truly UK wide or a UK branded service.

If your product/business generally serves only a part of the UK, please submit to the relevant education category in town, city, county or constituent part of the UK to avoid significant (possibly infinite) delay.

This means you