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Important - Please Read

Please don''t submit an individual DJ''s website here - it belongs in its locality.

We ignore area served. To be eligible for a locality listing, a website must include locality information - preferably in the form of a contact address. A mobile phone number and a vague reference to the South East won''t cut it.

Submissions ignoring these rules are likely to be declined.

This category contains links to English band specific categories elsewhere. Individual bands should be suggested to their localities (if defined) and to the appropriate letter category at UK level


Sites providing information about Disc Jockeys in England.

Individual DJ's are listed in their localities

Important - Please Read

Please don''t submit an individual DJ''s website here - it belongs in its locality.

We ignore area served. To be eligible for a locality listing, a website must include locality information - preferably in the form of a contact address. A mobile phone number and a vague reference to the South East won''t cut it.

Submissions ignoring these rules are likely to be declined.