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This category links to sites that relate to Shopping businesses, that provide contact details within Amersham and associated areas. To include sites pertaining to Shopping businesses of all kinds, offering their services from premises in Amersham or be of specific local interest to only Amersham.
Please ensure sites submitted here relate to Shopping businesses, that provide contact details within Amersham and associated areas.

This category can include sites pertaining to shopping businesses, offering their services from premises in Amersham or be of specific local interest to only Amersham.

Shopping categories under Regional are primarily aimed at enabling the consumer to view the product at a shop or premises prior to purchase. So only shopping businesses with such premises should submit here.

Online shopping sites should submit directly to the main shopping category. If you offer both services you are free to submit both regionally and to the main shopping category.

The scope of business should be included in the site description.

Please assist in submitting to correct sub-category where listed.