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This category links to sites relating to Music in Buckinghamshire, with multiple venues within the county (but in no other) or county wide bodies. To include sites pertaining to music, clubs and venues, concerts and events and DJs based in Buckinghamshire, or of specific interest to only Buckinghamshire.
Please ensure sites submitted here relate to Music in Buckinghamshire, with multiple venues within the county (but in no other) or county wide bodies.

This category can include sites pertaining to music, clubs and venues, concerts and events and DJs based in Buckinghamshire, or of specific interest to only Buckinghamshire.

Clubs and Venues unless multiple within the county should submit to locality of the premises.
Bands and DJs to the locality of their base or contact address.
Events to the locality the event will be held.

Please assist in submitting to correct sub-category where listed.

This category links to sites relate to Clubs and Venues Promoting Music in Buckinghamshire, with multiple premises within the county (but in no other). To include sites pertaining to clubs and venues promoting music, based in Buckinghamshire, or of specific interest to only Buckinghamshire.
Please ensure sites submitted here relate to Clubs and Venues Promoting Music in Buckinghamshire, with multiple premises within the county (but in no other).

This category can include sites pertaining to clubs and venues promoting music, based in Buckinghamshire, or of specific interest to only Buckinghamshire.

One would expect apart from a few multiples, most clubs to be listed in the locality of their premises, with this category linking to localities with clubs and music venues.

Please assist in submitting to correct sub-category where listed.