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This category leads to websites for businesses related to computers and the Internet, such as Internet service providers, web design and hosting services, e-commerce developers, network consulting services, companies supplying computers, computer repair and support services, software developers and consultants.

Most websites are listed in their nearest localities.

To be listed here, an organisation must have premises in more than one English  Region, but none ion the other countries of the UK:  United Kingdom.

Lists business related to the Computing section by region.

For sites with offices in more than one region of England, listed on the site.

Unless your service is restricted to clients within England, why not submit to United_Kingdom:Business_and_Economy:Internet: Commercial Services instead?

Lists sites for computer and/or internet consultants who offer specialist information and advice, as a stand alone service, or in conjunction with a portfolio of internet and computer-related products and services.

Most websites are listed in their localities. To be listed here, an organisation must have premises in several localities.

Web designers with premises in more than one English region but none elsewhere.

To be listed here, an organisation must have premises in several English regions.

Most web designers are listed in their localities (unless they've concealed their addresses) and in the UK level Web Designers category.