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This category includes sites for establishments offering food and drink consumed on the premises, although such establishments may also offer food and drink to 'take away'. At this England level sites are only listed if there are multiple regional locations.

Please only submit here if you have ''physical'' locations in two or more regions of England. Listings in this category are NOT based on the business coverage area

If you have premises in one Locality (eg: Birmingham or Milton Keynes) then please submit to that locality.
If you have premises in more than one locality but within one County then please submit to that county.
If you have premises in more than one county but within a single Region of England please submit to that Region. If you have premises in more than Region of England , (eg: the South East and the North West) please submit to this category. If you have premises in more than one country within the United Kingdom (eg: England and Scotland) please submit to the United Kingdom See the UK FAQ for further guidance.
Lists Restaurants and Bars sorted by county.
Includes Restaurants and Bars categories sorted by region.
Restaurants and Bars, chains/guides and directories based in ENGLAND only, please. Sites from one town or city will be redirected. This could add to the time taken to be listed considerably.