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This category leads to reservation services and individual websites for temporary accommodation, primarily for travellers in Cheshire.

Please note that there are sub-topics for the major categories which are shown by clicking the dark    symbol right of the Cheshire heading.
The sub-topics are shown in their localities, and if this is grey, then clicking restores the view with localities at the top.

Please suggest websites to the most appropriate subcategory of their locality

Only if the website shows the addresses of more than one locality will it be included in one of
the county's topical categories, with the exception of Community, Health or Environmental websites,
providing information of broader interest in Cheshire.
If your locality is not listed, then suggest the website to the appropriate subcategory of the postal town,
where it can be added to the  Regional Tree View.
For a locality without its own category:
If you know three websites that correspond to a new locality in Cheshire, consider applying to be named editor
of the new category, making sure the title and descriptions comply with the Editing Guidlines?