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Most websites are listed in their locality categories. This category is for websites with more than one address in the county or where the locality category doesn't yet exist. Please note that there are several sub-categories available. Websites relating to travel and tourism should be submitted to the Travel and Tourism category or one of its sub-categories.
Sites are listed primarily by their physical location and not by market coverage. Very few sites will be included in the county category, usually only those with offices in more than one location. Sites which do not show a location may not be listed.

Sites should be submitted to their nearest locality even if a Computers and Internet or Business and Economy category does not exist within that locality. Categories may be added as the site lists grow.

This category lists business sites related to computers and the Internet, such as Internet service providers, web design and hosting services, e-commerce developers, network consulting services, companies supplying computers, computer repair and support services, software developers and consultants.
Sites are listed primarily by their physical location and not by market coverage. Very few sites will be included in the county category, usually only those with offices in more than one location. Sites which do not show a location may not be listed.

Sites should be submitted to their nearest locality even if a Computers and Internet or Business and Economy category does not exist within that locality. Categories may be added as the site lists grow.

This category is for sites representing businesses that offer building, maintenence, architecture and design from more that one locality within Cornwall.
Companies based in remote parts of Cornwall, that do not have their own locality category may also be listed here.

Builders'' sites should be listed in the nearest locality, though the description there may include the range of area where service is provided. 
Evidence of bases at more that one locality must be included in the site to qualify here.

Information, resources, organisations and services related to Cornwall's economy and its growth.
This category leads to websites for establishments offering food and drink consumed on the premises,
although such establishments may also offer food and drink to 'take away'.
Websites for businesses without accommodation should be listed under the  Business and Economy
category, included under  Restaurants and Pubs.
Those with Accommodation are under  Travel and Tourism,  where they may appear as  Inns.

Please suggest websites to the most appropriate locality.

Only websites showing premises in more than one locality in Cornwall are listed here.
Users are advised to choose the locality listed in the main Cornwall page, to enable the website to be added to the  Restaurants and Pubs or  Inns  topics.