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This category lists websites for recreational activities specific for more than one locality within the Dartmoor area.
Click the  Regional Tree View [ ] shows websites for sub topics throughout Devon.
Please suggest websites for individual establishments in the Dartmoor area to the
appropriate  Locality, so that they can be added to the  Regional Tree View [ ]
showing websites from individual localities arranged together by Topic.
This category lists websites featuring walks, hiking, letter-boxing and geocaching across the Dartmoor area.
Click the  Regional Tree View [ ] shows websites for sub topics throughout Devon.
Please only suggest websites here if the show routes spanning Dartmoor Forest, or other parishes in the Dartmoor National Park.
If the route can be completed without leaving one parish, then please choose that   Locality,
so that they can be added to the  Regional Tree View [ ]
showing websites from individual localities arranged together by Topic.