This category tree is for websites that are related exclusively to Exeter business and economic activities
with an address in the area, including individual businesses and institutions and professional bodies.
Businesses which also have branches in other localities should be suggested to a category which includes all of those localities, for example Devon. Business and Economy.
Businesses related to travel and tourism, including accommodation, should be submitted to
the Travel and Tourism category tree.
This category is for websites about government activities in Exeter. It contains only sites that are related exclusively to the area governed by Exeter City Council, which includes Topsham.
Topics include not only legislative, executive and judicial bodies, but law, law enforcement, taxes, and military institutions.
Submissions to this category are welcome for sites for, against and discussing the formation of a Unitary Authoity for Exeter, which proposes to include parishes formerly included in the District of East Devon. However, websites about political parties, political candidates, and other political campaigns are not listed here, and should be submitted to the Exeter: Society and Culture category.