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This category includes sites related to the town of Lewes, East Sussex, UK. The town was the site of the historic Battle of Lewes in 1264. Lewes is famous for its annual Guy Fawkes night celebrations on the 5th of November.
Guidelines for submitting sites: If your site is about a specific locality, please submit it to the appropriate locality category. Businesses should submit to the locality category in which the business is physically located. Failure to comply may result in a long delay in getting listed. The title should be the name of your company or organisation. Do not type in all caps. Do not include a list of keywords. Do not include your products. Do not write a sales pitch. The description should be a brief summary of your organisation''s products and services. It should be in English and in coherent sentence form. Do not include superlatives or a sales pitch. Do not submit your company history. Do not submit a list of keywords. Do not use unnecessary capitalisation, or include HTML tags. Please only submit once to the most suitable category.
This category includes sites about artistic, cultural and entertainment activities, events, institutions, businesses and organisations in Lewes.
This category includes sites covering the business and economic activities of Lewes, including listings of most companies and industries.
This category includes local educational institutions, programmes and opportunities; as well as other Lewes specific educational resources.
This category includes sites about hobbies, sports and participatory recreational activities specific to the region; including local recreation organisations, services, facilities and events. Businesses selling sporting or recreational goods are listed within Business_and_Economy/Shopping.
This category includes sites about hobbies, sports and participatory recreational activities specific to the region; including local recreation organisations, services, facilities and events. Businesses selling sporting or recreational goods are listed within Business_and_Economy/Shopping.
This category includes sites that reflect the make up of the Lewes community: its people, its history, and resources and institutions that serve the town's people, such as social service organisations.
Please submit your site only once. Multiple pages from the same site will not be listed in this category or its sub cats.

Sites that sell holiday merchandise only should be submitted to Shopping/Holidays. Commercial sites WILL NOT be listed in this category, and submissions may be deleted.

Sites that only provide information about local celebrations, ie basic firework displays should be submitted to an appropriate Regional sub category.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site still under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or consisting primarily of affiliate links to products will be deleted.

This category includes sites for attractions and resources for those travelling in the Lewes area, including tourist guides.