Offering a site to the wrong category, especially leaving a site here, may create delay, ie it may take longer for an editor to review the site for possible inclusion in the directory. Thank you.
We reserve the right not to list a site.
Offering a site to the wrong category will only delay it being reviewed by an editor for possible inclusion in the directory.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
Please.... Do not type in all capitals. Do not include a list of keywords. Do not include your products. Do not write a sales pitch. The description should be a brief summary of your organization''s products and services. The description should be in English and in coherent sentence form. Do not include superlatives or a sales pitch. Do not submit your company history. Do not use unnecessary capitalization, or include HTML tags.
Thank you
Please.... Do not type in all capitals. Do not include a list of keywords. Do not include your products. Do not write a sales pitch. The description should be a brief summary of your organization''s products and services. The description should be in English and in coherent sentence form. Do not include superlatives or a sales pitch. Do not submit your company history. Do not use unnecessary capitalization, or include HTML tags.
Thank you
Offering a site to the wrong category only delays it being reviewed by an editor for possible inclusion in the directory.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
Sites offered to the wrong category may suffer a delay in being reviewed by an editor for possible inclusion in the directory.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
Offering a site to the wrong category will only delay it being reviewed by an editor for possible listing in the directory.
Please add the title of your site and then a brief description which says what is *actually* on your site without using hype words.
Thank you for your co-operation.
We reserve the right not list a site in the directory.
Offering a site to the wrong category will only delay it being reviewed by an editor for possible inclusion in the directory.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
Please offer a description which describes your organisation, without repeating anything in the site title and then describe what is on the site. Do not include hype like "excellent", or "best in town".
Offering a site to the wrong category will only delay it being reviewed by an editor for possible listing in the directory.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
Offering a site to the wrong category only delays it being reviewed by an editor for possible listing in the directory.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
Offering a site to the wrong category only delays it being reviewed by an editor for possible inclusion in the directory.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
The description should be a brief summary of your organisation''s web site. The description should be in English and in coherent sentence form. Do not include superlatives or a sales pitch. Do not submit your company history. Do not use unnecessary capitalisation, or include HTML tags. Submit to only ONE category. Submit to the best category possible. If you cannot find the proper category, first look elsewhere in the ODP. If you still cannot locate an appropriate category, submit the site to the best category possible. Thank you
Offering a site to the wrong category only delays it being reviewed by an editor for possible listing in the directory.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
Offering a site to the wrong category will only delay it being reviewed by an editor for possible inclusion in the directory.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
Please.... Do not type in all caps. Do not include a list of keywords. Do not include your products. Do not write a sales pitch. The description should be a brief summary of your organisation''s products and services. The description should be in English and in coherent sentence form. Do not include superlatives or a sales pitch. Do not submit your company history. Do not use unnecessary capitalisation, or include HTML tags.
Submit to only ONE category. Submit to the best category possible. If you cannot find the proper category, first look elsewhere in the ODP. If you still cannot locate an appropriate category, submit the site to the best category possible.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
The town of Harlow, in north-west Essex, has a history going back to before Roman times. However it is best known now as one of the post-war "New Towns" set up in 1947, and in the past 50 years it has expanded from a cluster of small villages to a town of some 75,000 people.
Offering a site to the wrong category only delays it being reviewed by an editor for possible inclusion in the directory.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
Save that link!
Have you thought of applying to become the editor of this category? If you have an interest in building Leigh-on-Sea''s online presence, apply to edit this category.
Submission Tips:
Thank-you for your cooperation.
Offering a site to the wrong category only delays it being reviewed by an editor for possible inclusion in the directory.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
Please.... Do not type in all caps. Do not include a list of keywords. Do not include your products. Do not write a sales pitch. The description should be a brief summary of your organisation''s products and services. The description should be in English and in coherent sentence form. Do not include superlatives or a sales pitch. Do not submit your company history. Do not use unnecessary capitalisation, or include HTML tags.
Submit to only ONE category. Submit to the best category possible. If you cannot find the proper category, first look elsewhere in the ODP. If you still cannot locate an appropriate category, submit the site to the best category possible.
Guidelines For Submitting Sites: Please submit to the appropriate category in which it is physically located. Failure to do so will result in a long delay in getting listed. The title should be the name of your company or organization.
Please.... Do not type in all capitals. Do not include a list of keywords. Do not include your products. Do not write a sales pitch. The description should be a brief summary of your organization''s products and services. The description should be in English and in coherent sentence form. Do not include superlatives or a sales pitch. Do not submit your company history. Do not use unnecessary capitalization, or include HTML tags.
Thank you
Offering a site to the wrong category only delays it being reviewed by an editor for possible listing in the directory.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
Offering a site to the wrong category will only delay it being reviewed by an editor for possible inclusion in the directory.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
Please.... Do not type in all capitals. Do not include a list of keywords. Do not include your products. Do not write a sales pitch. The description should be a brief summary of your organisation''s products and services. The description should be in English and in coherent sentence form. Do not include superlatives or a sales pitch. Do not submit your company history. Do not use unnecessary capitalisation, or include HTML tags.
Thank you
Guidelines For Submitting Sites: Please submit to the appropriate category in which it is physically located. Failure to do so will result in a long delay in getting listed. The title should be the name of your company or organisation.
Please.... Do not type in all capitals. Do not include a list of keywords. Do not include your products. Do not write a sales pitch. The description should be a brief summary of your organisation''s products and services. The description should be in English and in coherent sentence form. Do not include superlatives or a sales pitch. Do not submit your company history. Do not use unnecessary capitalisation, or include HTML tags.
Thank you
Offering a site to the wrong category only delays it being reviewed by an editor for possible inclusion in the directory.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
Guidelines For Submitting Sites: Please submit to the appropriate category in which it is physically located. Failure to do so will result in a long delay in getting listed. The title should be the name of your company or organization.
Please.... Do not type in all capitals. Do not include a list of keywords. Do not include your products. Do not write a sales pitch. The description should be a brief summary of your organization''s products and services. The description should be in English and in coherent sentence form. Do not include superlatives or a sales pitch. Do not submit your company history. Do not use unnecessary capitalization, or include HTML tags.
Thank you
Stansted_Mountfitchet is one of the largest parishes in the County of Essex. It derives from the Manors of Stansted and Bentfield Bury. Bentfield Bury remains as a small village to the north west of the town, on the way to the Manuden. The eastern most village is Burton End, which in recent years has been in the shadow, to the east, of the airport, by which the name Stansted, is now most well known.
Stansted has Anglo-Saxon roots, meaning stoney place. Stansted Mountfitchet dates backs to an Iron Age settlement, where a castle was subsequently built in the 12th century by the Normans. The owners adopted the name Montfitchet, from the Normandy town of Montfiquet.
The population of the Stansted estate continued to grow, through the 17th and 18th centuries, with agriculture serving the market towns of Essex and Hertfordshire. Examples of the buildings of this period still remain, such as the Elizabethan Stansted Hall, now used for Education, and many cottage style buildings offering Accommodation
Stansted Mountfitchet continued to expand with the arrival of the railway with its station central to the village. The surrounding countryside has attracted commuters, and the building of the M11, through, the eastern part of the parish, with its junction at Birchanger Green, has stimulated the significance of Transport. Development continues as the East-West A120 road, is upgraded, south of the town.
Property businesses continue to florish. Although residents, still like to refer to Stansted Mountfitchet as a village, it is difficult to regard it as less than a town. Here, only its centre is referred to as 'the old village'
This category also includes the countryside west of the town that forms the boundary with Hertsfordshire, including the villages of Farnham, Farnham Green and Hazel End. To the south of the A120, is the Hertfordshire market town of Bishop's_Stortford. For localities south and east of Birchanger Green, and the A120 eastward, see the District Council of Uttlesford. The next locality to the east is Takeley.
Uttlesford, formerly Dunmow, is the North West Essex District Counci; the tier of government which divides the county within Essex County Council. Town and Parish Councils, in this District with ODP categories are indicated with a link@
The postal address of countryside dwellings and small villages near the Local Authority boundary may take the nearest town within its neighbouring District Council, such as Braintree or Chelmsford. These may even be in neighbouring counties, such as South Cambridgeshire or East Herts.
Please submit your site to the most appropriate town or parish. If your site has content which offers services from more than one locality, it may be eligible for the listing at County level.
Please.... Do not type in all caps. Do not include a list of keywords. Do not include your products. Do not write a sales pitch. The description should be a brief summary of your organisation''s products and services. The description should be in English and in coherent sentence form. Do not include superlatives or a sales pitch. Do not submit your company history. Do not use unnecessary capitalisation, or include HTML tags.
Submit to only ONE category. Submit to the best category possible. If you cannot find the proper category, first look elsewhere in the ODP. If you still cannot locate an appropriate category, submit the site to the best category possible.
Offering a site to the wrong category only delays it being reviewed by an editor for possible inclusion in the directory.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
Submission Tips:
When writing your site''s title please ensure it is the same as your organisation. When writing your site''s description, please tell what your site offers in a clear and concise statement without hype or promotional language. Please ensure the correct use of capitals.
Thank you for your co-operation.