If your site pertains to a particular town or village in the county which has it''s own category, then your site should be submitted under that category - either directly under it, or in an appropriate sub-category.
If your site relates to the whole (or a significant part) of the county, or relates to a locality without its own category, or your business has multiple locations, then please find the most appropriate topical sub-category under the main Kent category for your site, and submit it there.
Submitting inappropriate sites here will only delay their review and potential listing by editors
Offering a site to the wrong category will only delay it being reviewed by an editor for possible inclusion in the directory.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
Offering a site to the wrong locality will only delay it being reviewed by an editor for possible inclusion in the directory.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
If the site has a specific location then please offer the site to that location, do NOT offer it here.
Offering a site to the wrong category only delays it being reviewed by an editor for possible listing in the directory.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
Please add a description which does not contain hype also do not offer a site to the wrong category. Both will delay your site being reviewed by an editor for possible inclusion in the directory.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
Thank you.
This is Newington near Sittingbourne.
Another village called Newington is located on the A20 between Folkestone and Hythe. Please submit related sites to Newington (near Hythe).
There is also a Newington area of Ramsgate - please submit related sites to Ramsgate.
This is Newington near Hythe.
Another village called Newington is located near Sittingbourne. Please submit related sites to Newington.
There is also a Newington area of Ramsgate - please submit related sites to Ramsgate.
Offering a site to the wrong category will only delay it being reviewed by an editor for possible inclusion in the directory.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
Offering a site to the wrong category will only delay it being reviewed by an editor for possible inclusion in the directory.
We reserve the right not to list a site in the directory.
Thank you.