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Westwoodside is a village immediately to the west of  Haxey.
This should not be confused with Woodside also on the same boundary to the north west and in the North Lincolnshire parish of  Wroot.
Although Westwoodside is in the North Lincolnshire parish of Haxey, the postal address for Westwoodside
is  Doncaster.

This category lists websites for the village of Westwoodside, and area to the west, to the boundary
of  North Lincolnshire with the northern reaches of the  West Lindsey parish of  Misson,
where along the B1396, Park Drain meets Sanderson's Bank South Drain flowing southwards into Warping Drain.
Before reaching Doncaster, the B1396 leads to  Blaxton, through the parish of  Finningley, west of the metropolitan district boundary of the  Borough of Doncaster.

Websites suggested here should be based in Westwoodside, or have to do specifically with
the history, economy, community or culture of the area of the south of  Wroot,
west of  Haxey, to the North Lincolnshire boundary, with West Lindsey at  Misson.

Websites not focused on this area should be considered for another subcategory of the main Lincolnshire category.