Should the site being submitted not follow these criteria please find the relevant category using the following guide as a starting point.
Please only submit here if your site is specifically about Barnet and nowhere else.
Submitting to the wrong category will delay and/or prevent your site from being listed in the directory.
Submission Tips:
This category includes sites about hobbies, sports and participatory recreational activities specific to the London Borough of Barnet; including local recreation organisations, services, facilities and events. Businesses selling sporting or recreational goods are listed within Barnet: Business and Economy: Shopping.
Do not type in all caps. Do not include a list of keywords. Do not write a sales pitch.
The description should be in English and in coherent sentence form. Do not include superlatives or a sales pitch. Do not submit a list of keywords. Do not use unnecessary capitalisation, or include HTML tags.
Submit to only ONE category. Submit to the best category possible. If you cannot find the proper category, first look elsewhere in the ODP. If you still cannot locate an appropriate category, submit the site to the best category possible.