This category leads to websites for businesses providing services, products and facilities specifically related to the burial or cremation and care after death, including humanist ceremonies, cemeteries and woodland burial sites.
This category should only contain websites for businesses with premises in more than one county of the East Midlands Region of England.
Please select the most appropriate Locality
Listings in this category are NOT based on the business coverage area, which should be included in the description.
If the website shows offices in one England Locality (eg: Nottingham or Derby) then please suggest it to the most appropriate sub-category there.
If the offices are in one England County (eg: Lincolnshire or Derbyshire) then please suggest it there.
If the offices are in one England Region (eg: East Midlamds or West Midlands) then please suggest it there.
If it shows offices in several counties of a single Region, (eg: Derbys, Lincs and Notts) please suggest it here.
Inappropriate suggestions that don't comply with the above may well be declined or experience a delay in being reviewed by the correct editors.