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Education resources for the City of Birmingham, including schools, colleges and education authorities.
To be accepted into this category, your site must be relevant to the general field of education in Birmingham. If possible, try and find a subcategory to submit your site.
Further education colleges and establishment located in Birmingham. Also contains links to the Universities in the city.
To be accepted into this category, your site must be relevant to the general field of education in Birmingham. If your site relates to a university, it must be placed in the appropriate university category in Reference. Follow the links from this category to find the appropriate place to submit your site.
Submit schools for pre-school children only please.
Outdoor education is an initiative sponsored by the Birmingham Grid for Learning to encourage environmental learning throughout the city's schools. Sites in this category are either co-ordinating bodies for this type of study, or are field study centres within Birmingham.
Your site must be relevant to the Outdoor Learning initiative and be located in Birmingham to be accepted into this category.
Submit school for pupils of 11 and under only.
Submit schools for pupils aged 11-18 only.
For the listing of sites offering specialised education in the area outside of the traditional classroom. Candidates for listing in this category may include driver's training, adult education courses and foreign language schools.
Sites relating to special needs education (including special schools) within the City of Birmingham.